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Off with a Bang!

Above is Bonnie and I visiting the first service of the semester. She was very popular. 

Guess what? Ministry is off to a fabulous start. The 24-25 school year has begun and our student leaders have been killing the game. We survived welcome week and all that entails. FOCUS hosted several events and attended all of the campus-hosted events. Graham planned a glow-in-the-dark capture the flag night. We hosted a trivia night, a petting zoo and held an united worship event with multiple campus ministries. Of course, Bonnie and I did not many of these events. The triple degree weather simply was not suited for a fresh newborn... and her mother. This year has reminded me the powerful truth that God is always working and moving to accomplish his will. He is with me while I take a seat back with baby, and he is also with our students as they proclaim his goodness. I have been partnering through prayer! 

Below are a bunch of photos from this past month. These photos tell the story better than I could. Towards the end of the post are several photos of cores that have started. Core is our gender specific small groups. I just want to rave about our leaders or our corefas (core facilitators). These students aren't paid. They give of their time voluntarily. They act as missionaries to their campus. While we do meet some students during orientations, our leaders go and invite students to join their cores at welcome week event. They truly live out the model of being fishers of men. They cast their nets wide and invite anyone. Trusting and believing in the God who modelled this- Jesus. So, when you look at these photos of these small groups, praise God when you see the students gathered together. Our students worked so hard! All glory to God! Pray that we can be faithful to God's call and that students will be open to godly community. 

Lastly, pray for the student who were met during welcome week, but for whatever reason, are hardened to God and his community. Pray for those who would say they are uninterested. Pray for the students who may be agnostic, but were open to trying. Pray that God will move powerfully and change their hearts. Give our students the eyes and ears and hearts to care for those who seem uninterested. 

These are some photos from our first service. We had over 155 students attend! 
Here are photos from our petting zoo! 

Many students were struck that this was a free event. Our ministry values blessing the campus by putting on fun experiences like this. 

Here is a little glimpse of life with Bonnie. It has been special seeing Graham model being a new dad to our leader team guys. 

Core photos start here:

Pray these students encounter Jesus's love and that those who don't know Jesus come to know him. 

Thank you so much for your support. Thank you for the prayers. It means the world to have people praying for the semester, my family and for college students at UTA. 


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