Happy New Year!
We are back! Students are on school and we are preparing for our annual winter retreat. I hope yall had a restful Christmas season. Ours was made sweeter by having little Bonnie around. I found myself looking forward for future Christmases as Bonnie grows and becomes more aware. It is so exciting to think of the ways we will get to point our little girl towards Jesus using the excitement and truth of Christmas.
Anyways, our last semester ended with a bang. We threw an awesome formal for our students. It is special getting to plan these events that make college so memorable for them. Below is a photo of our TCC students. I was blown away by how close these students have gotten over the year. It can be hard getting people to buy into being friends. TCC has really grown close and it's always the highlight of my week meeting with them. Pray that we will use our community on TCC's campus to be a light to students who don't know Christ. Pray for new students to get connected with us in this new semester.
I am taking a class this spring in hopes to meet and befriend new students at TCC. For a multitude of reasons, we have found our ministry to be a bit stagnant in growth. Some of this is due to amazing students transferring, and I believe some of this is due to opportunities at TCC changing like organization fairs. We are faithfully at every event to connect with students, but these community college students have very strict schedules. We have found if they are on campus for Tuesday/ Thursday classes that they are not there other days. Our small group meets Wednesdays. I am hoping to create opportunities to meet new students this next semester. Pray God will connect us with people who want community or are curious about Jesus.
Photos from the past month:
Our TCC students are the formal.
We decorated cookies during our last meet up.
Above is a photo from our UTA leader team party. We did games that were family themed. It was so much fun.
Here is my dear friend Emily holding Bonnie.
Here is everyone doting on Bonnie at our winter staff retreat.
Crisp morning walks. :)
This photo is so funny to me. Garrett is the student above wearing Bonnie. He actually watching Bonnie every Wednesday so Graham and I have a date. He loves her so much. It is so special giving college students the opportunity to care for a baby. This is such a ministry.
We opened our home to host a New Year's Eve party. So many students live at our complex. We had over 13 students over. It was a blast.
Ministry is inviting people into our life and family. Above is two of my fellow pastors meeting up. They asked if they could hold Bonnie while they met.
Here's a happy Bonnie photo to close. Thank you so much for your support in ministry. I look forward to updating you next month with how the semester is going.
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