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July Update!

 Hello World! 

I thought you guys would excuse my blog entry being later this month. Our lives have changed recently. Bonnie is here. She came earlier than expected, but she is healthy and adjusting to life outside the womb. Graham and I have felt so incredibly supported during this life change. We are praising God often and praying for his strength as we navigate the late nights with our new roommate. 

Leading up to Bonnie's birth, I was taking full advantage of the restful nature of summer. I napped. I went to the pool with students. Thought I would maybe get a tan in preparation for the baby... even though I don't really tan. We finished our staff book club. I hosted an after event for our weekly service. I did what I could as a very pregnant lady. It feels surreal to now be starting my maternity leave. I will be soaking up these precious early weeks with Bonnie until my twelve weeks are up. 

Graham is back to work, but thankfully, he has a reduced schedule because of the summer. Our UTA team has begun planning for the fall semester. Graham and the rest of our team are inviting students to lead and planning welcome week events. My hope is that I will not be a stranger when school starts. I plan to swing by different indoor events and show off Bonnie. 

Pray for us as we navigate parenthood. Pray for Graham as he goes back to work. Pray for the semester starting and all the new students we will meet. Pray for me as I sit back during our most exciting season. Pray over our student leaders and for their boldness. Pray for the continued safety and health of our little girl. Thank you so much for your prayers and support. They mean the world. 

Photos from this month: 

Here's a photo from the after event I planned. We had a challenge of students writing a poem from zany prompts we gave. It was one of the many challenges our students competed at. 

This is a photo of our dear friend Hailey introducing Waldo to Bonnie's blanket and hat. My heart melted seeing him lay his head on her stuff. 

Our first walk around the hospital. 

Here is a view of our summer service. 


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