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April Update

Happy Easter! He is risen!!

We have about five weeks left in the semester. Our students are currently juggling tests and projects. This is about the time many of our pastors are having pep talks with students to finish well and trust Jesus in the chaos. Pray our students will keep their eyes on Jesus during this time. 

This month wrapped up with two really neat events. The photo above is actually from one of them. Every spring, TCC hosts an international festival. They always go above and beyond with the entertainment and free food. Organizations have the opportunity to table at this event. I was encouraged by the turn out and interest in our organization. I met a student named Kim who was thrilled to have found our club and swore she would be at our next meeting. So pray we can see fruit from this festival and we see new people come by. 

The second event was the last week of March. All of the ministries at UTA hosted a 72 hour prayer event. The event was hosted in a tent in the middle of campus by the library. Students are welcome to come into the tent and pray through different prayer stations. This event is a labor of love. Each ministry provided prayer activities and signed up for times to host the welcome table. We asked students to sign up to make sure every hour was covered by prayer. From our sign up, 182 students from our ministries signed up to pray. This number is just a basic guesstimate of who we know came through. I can say this does not scratch the surface of the student who came through praying. A student came up to me and said she had been swinging by after her classes to pray each day. It is always special making a space for students to encounter God. Special events like these bring a fervor that I pray continues past their time in our tent. Here are some photos below of the prayer activities: 

This was a station of praying for your peers. 

Baby Update: 

Baby girl is growing and doing great. My app tells me she is the size of a spaghetti squash. We are inching closer and closer to the third trimester. I am smack in the middle of week 26 as I type this update. Graham and I are praising God continually. It has been a blessing sharing this time with our students. Pray for continued health for the two of us. The lyrics of Canvas and Clay by Pat Barrett come to mind: 
"In my mother's womb
You formed me with Your handsKnown and loved by YouBefore I took a breath"

 Photos from the Month:

Here are some of our students cuddled up at our church retreat. 

This photo is of our TCC students doing a question asking icebreaker. 

These two photos are of our students hanging out and doing a drunk driving simulation. If that doesn't scream college ministry, I don't know what does.  

Have anyone of you ever played Nertz? Our ministry is obsessed with this card game. There is even a group that plays before our service on Thursdays. This photo is of us playing in a coffee shop by campus. 

Look I'm really not kidding. They were playing Nertz at Braum's. 

Graham hosted reading John by the prayer tent. It was a beautiful day! 

Here was a side view of the worship night we hosted to end the 72 hour event. 


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