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 Happy 2023!

The photo above is of our entire ministry team! Isn't that amazing and crazy? We are all on different campuses making Jesus known. I am coming out of our break, and I am feeling refreshed. As I type this blog, our ministry is prepping for our annual winter camp. I am so excited for our TCC students to experience this. I am blown away by God's faithfulness. 

Last year, we had four students attending the TCC ministry. Two of them attended our winter camp. I felt like they were the pioneers. They were the people who came back and shared how awesome camp was. They became our spokespeople. This year, we are bringing twelve. I am so excited for this group of students. Be praying our ministry grows closer and gets to know God better. Pray this camp will be transformative in their faith. Our sessions at our camp will be over the wisdom literature. I am excited to see how God moves through the texts. So many students have been wanting us to dig into these scriptures. Pray they see God more clearly through the texts. 

Personally, I have been reading two books I've been assigned. FOCUS is huge on continuing our education. We read a book called Working the Angles by Eugene Peterson and Inside Out by Dr. Larry Crabb. Both have been incredibly thought-provoking. Working the Angles exposes the gross truth that modern pastors can look impressive and spiritual without actually connecting with God. I found this to be convicting. It's just so true. We can praise people for outwardly doing many spiritual things, but they might not be praying or connecting with God personally. The book causes me to hold a mirror to myself. I don't want to be a pastor who doesn't have time for prayer or direction from God. It also brought up an interesting snare in the modern church: many high-level leaders are not receiving guidance. They have become spiritually lonely and isolated. The book heavily encourages seeking spiritual mentors. As I was reading, I found myself being thankful for the ministry I work for. I have been spiritually supervised and guided throughout my time with FOCUS. The second book, Inside Out, focused more on how spiritual healing comes from the inside out. I am still working my way through it with my book club. 

I am praying that God continues to show me how to love my students well. Pray for Graham and me as we consider what God wants at TCC. Pray that we can be bold as we dream about what to do. I have been thinking through what outreach to do. I want to be even more present on campus. Send any ideas if you have them! Pray for this semester. We will be considering who to send to our annual leadership training in Seattle. Pray that we can be bold. 

A hard part about ministry is that people graduate. 

Here's Amelia. She is the glue at TCC. She makes life more fun. 

Here is me and one of my gals from TCC. We have become coffee snobs together. 

Speaking of spiritual direction, here's the woman who keeps me sane. 

Here is me with two ladies from UTA: Success (Left) and Laura (Right). Laura and I spent weekly time together. She is the best!!

Here is TCC at our Christmas Party!

Thank you so much for supporting me. Thank you for your prayers too. I am grateful to have a team like you behind me. Also, I feel like my ministry has gained much power since getting Waldo. He is a people magnet. 


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