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 So, my favorite month is finally here. Yay November! 

(Everyone send me a birthday card). 

October has been one of my favorite months so far this semester. Maybe it's the weather finally cooling down or the fact I got to visit one of my favorite churches this month. October has left my cup full to the brim. I am in awe of God by the beauty I'm seeing in nature and the many sweet people He has blessed me with. I hope you too can reflect on God's goodness as you read my update from this month. 

There has been a lot happening at Tarrant County College. This is the campus Graham and I are leading together. We had three students get baptized in October. Of course, this was incredibly meaningful for our students who made the decision, but I found it wonderful seeing our community surrounding them. My apartment was full of students wanting to support their friends make this huge decision. After each baptism, we had people pray over the newly baptized person. I was obviously incredibly moved. It is inspiring to hear young people pray bold prayers, asking God to move powerfully and thanking him for being able to live changed. 

Something that has been on my mind since hearing these students' testimonies is just how lonely people are. Both students shared some degree that in their darkest times how alone they felt. I would have never known they struggled. In our staff meetings, we read two chapters from a book and I cannot believe the timeliness of one of the chapters. The book is called The Innovative Church: How Leaders and Their Congregations Can Adapt in an Ever-Changing World by Scott Comode. 

In it, he says:

"In contemporary society, there is an “epidemic of loneliness.”1 About one-third of adults over fifty in the US report feeling lonely.2 And in Britain, over ten thousand people a week call the Silver Line, a call center for older adults who crave human contact.3 This rampant loneliness poses a major health threat. It “can shorten a person’s life by 15 years, equivalent in impact to being obese or smoking 15 cigarettes a day.”4 Loneliness is common, and it is dangerous. And it is not just a problem for elderly people. Gen Z (the young adult generation) is the “loneliest generation.”5 Indeed, in a study of over twenty thousand Americans, “more than half of Gen Zers identified with 10 of the 11 feelings associated with loneliness.”6 Over a third of high school seniors say they “often feel lonely.”7 Loneliness is also a problem for mothers and in the workplace.9 Every time you listen to the people entrusted to your care, there is a good chance that you are listening to someone who is lonely.10 But they likely won’t come out and say it." 

Guys. Loneliness is everywhere. Whether you work with adults or kids, you are probably interacting with people every day who feel alone. This breaks my heart. This is a ministry need that we all can fill. You don't need a degree to notice the people around you and actually care. I wanted to share this with you because I know loneliness is high during the holidays. Notice people. Ask how they are doing. Invite people into your space. Be good news to the people around you. 

Recently, I started a bible study with someone. She brought up how she had no idea how she was to make friends after high school. I hear this often. People coming into college, especially community college, are faced with the burning question, "How am I going to make friends"? I have met so many people who had such low expectations when it came to meeting people. Seriously, they thought they wouldn't meet anyone. Also, I have met people who said they prayed and prayed to make friends in college. They shared later that our community was an answer to their prayer. I hope this encourages you to be someone's answered prayer. 

Some last updates: Our semester is coming to the end. Yay! That also means our annual fundraiser is upon us: Keep FOCUS Growing! I love our theme this year "Faithfully Local". For me, this incapsulates what is special about our ministry. We move into the neighborhood, so to speak when we go to a campus. We contribute to the good of the campus, seeking to improve the culture and experience of each place, and we do so for the long-haul–something especially unique at community colleges that have few long-standing student organizations. (I have already seen some of this fruit at TCC. We have helped with their events and tried to bring life to their campus).

November 29th is Giving Tuesday! Some of our generous donors have banded together and agreed to match up to $50,000 in total donations during this campaign. So if we receive $50,000 in total contributions, they will kick in a SECOND $50,000! Your first chance to give will be on November 29th! Prayerfully consider giving!

 Be praying for our students and their finals (they are always so stressed about tests). Pray for our students who are having family conflict. Pray for students who are lonely. Pray we can be on the lookout for those around us. Thank you for your support in ministry. It means the world to me. Thank you!!!


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