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Happy New Year!
I am excited for what God has in store this year.

First things first, I wanted to start with prayer requests. Be praying for this next semester and all that entails: new students and new schedules. UTD does not have any events in the spring to welcome everyone back. Transfer students, excited for their new campus, can end up feeling lost because of this. Be praying for me as I set up my schedule. Pray that I will deepen my friendships with the people I am studying with. Thank you so much for your support and prayers. They mean the world to me.  

The picture above is from the UTD Christmas party; the theme was California Christmas (Hence the tropical beach background in our photobooth). The night was spent decorating cookies, having a skit contest and singing Christmas songs. It was a great way to wind down the semester before finals. Some of our students had finals the afternoon before the party! My favorite moment was the devotional at the end. We had students share memories about traditional songs like "Hark the Herold Angels Sing" and "Silent Night". It was special to be able to stand with my small group and sing these songs. 

Here's another photo from the Christmas party. I wanted to tell you about the lady leading with me, Anna. She is a senior and it is her first year leading core. She has done an amazing job. Anna is welcoming and easy to talk with. I have been inspired by her biblical understanding and how it seems to just flow out whenever she speaks. Pray for her as she finishes out her final semester and what comes next! 

Here's a photo of the team taken at our staff Christmas party. I like looking at this photo and thinking about our group photo from August. We had no idea what God was going to do on our campuses this past semester. I have been so grateful for the opportunity to know these people better. Pray for us as we each prayerfully consider our next step-- wherever that be.

Psalm 27:8--"You have said, "Seek my face." My heart says to you, "Your face, Lord, do I seek". 


  1. Hey Emily! I really do love seeing that picture of all the apprentices. You guys have done a great job this year, and I am excited to see what happens in the next semester! God has been working in and through all of you, and it's an encouragement to everyone to see people like you who devote a year of their lives to learning ministry. Thank you!


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