Happy May! Can you believe it? We are so close to the end of the semester. My apprenticeship is coming to an end. I think now is the appropriate time to officially announce that I am staying on another year with FOCUS. I will be moving out to University of Texas in Arlington in the fall. I am excited to serve at this new campus and join into what God is doing there. Just begin praying for that transition over to a new town with new people. I have already had the opportunity to meet some students from that community who have been incredibly sweet and welcoming. Here’s a cool God thing: one of my friends from MSU is actually a part of UTA’s FOCUS. Looks like God was already planting people in Arlington before I had even considering going there. Below is a goofy photo of their leader team. Now, imagine me somewhere in this group. April went by so fast and I think this was because I was looking forward to Easter. Early on, I made plans to bring stud...